
Build with Confidence

Guaranteed Accuracy

Build with Confidence

Conducting a precise set-out survey is essential for any construction project. An inaccurate set-out can cause major problems in the future and cost thousands of dollars, especially if you are considering any type of land subdivision, multi-unit development or building on a sloping block.

Set-Out Survey Melbourne allows you to build with confidence, knowing you are working with a reliable and trusted land surveyor who will get it right the first time and every time. Whether you are a first home owner, property developer or business looking to build in urban or rural Melbourne, we can provide you with the set-out solutions that you need to ensure your construction can begin precisely as planned.


Guaranteed Accuracy

Set-Out Survey Melbourne is an established team with over ten years of local experience in land surveying and with an extensive knowledge in the industry to handle any building and construction projects for anything from single unit dwellings to civil infrastructure projects. By using the latest technology and software, we ensure a precise set out process completed to within millimetre accuracy.

Locals you can trust

Projects Completed

Councils worked with

Satisfied Customers

Ongoing Projects

What we do

Set-out Surveys

We create plans of development or proposed structures, marked out in the precise physical location on a site.

New estate and Greenfield site set out

Setting out individual property sites, proposed structures and land developments which require earthworks

House/unit site set out

Clearly mark the correct position of the proposed structure onto the site for builders and sub-contractors to begin construction.

Engineering Surveys

Setting out the  alignment of proposed surfaces and structures according to engineering plans.


a free consultation

Would you like to speak to one of our experts? Just submit your contact details and we’ll be in touch shortly.

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